Implant supported dentures are dentures that do not rest on top of your gums, but rather are anchored directly to the jawbone, ensuring stability and no pressure for your gums. Being a type of overdenture, implant supported dentures replace missing teeth with solid and secure implants. Implants are put into the jawbone first, then the dentures themselves fit on top of the implants. Thanks to the stability of implant supported dentures, you will be able to have far more foods without worrying unlike with regular dentures, which some foods are difficult to eat with. To qualify for implant supported dentures, patients must have sufficient bone density, healthy gum tissue, and a healthy immune system. Call us at (213) 484-0261 to see if implant supported dentures are right for you.

1826W. 7th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90057
Tel. (213) 484-0261
Book an Appointment
Mon, Wed, Thurs: 9AM-6PM
Tue: 10:00AM-7:00PM
Fri: 8:30AM-5:30PM
Sat: By Appointment