Cerec Crowns

Cosmetic Dentistry is the art and science of giving your teeth a makeover.  This improvement to your smile is providing a huge boost to your appearance, confidence and health.

At Family Dentist LA, our team is well trained and experienced in the many facets of cosmetic dentistry.  In addition, we have the latest and most advance equipment to deliver the dental services that will give you the happiest and healthiest smile possible.

If your teeth require straightening, we offer braces to properly align your teeth and bite.  If you desire a metal-free alternative, we offer Invisalign which consists of transparent aligners to straighten your teeth.

Our dental implants are a permanent answer to replacing any cracked, chipped or missing teeth you many have.  In addition, we offer veneers, which consist of a thin layer of composite or porcelain fastened on existing teeth, to improve its aesthetics.

We also utilize revolutionary CEREC technology to provide same-day permanent restoration for damaged teeth. Learn more about CEREC here or check out the video below!

Please call Family Dentist LA today at (213) 484-6660 to schedule an appointment and learn more about our fore mentioned cosmetic dental procedures, including crowns and whitening.

Cosmetic Dentisry


1826W. 7th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90057
Tel. (213) 484-6660

Book an Appointment


Mon, Wed, Thurs: 9AM-6PM
Tue: 10:00AM-7:00PM
Fri: 8:30AM-5:30PM
Sat: By Appointment